A look-ahead at the upcoming (northern hemisphere) academic year, in terms of dates.
CORRECTION re location of Sep 13th meeting at AISS. Not in the Senior Library, but in the Junior one (enter via Gate 3).
ISLN Network meetings
- Thursday, September 13 @ AISS Junior Library
- December @ SAIS
- February @ OFS
- April @ UWCSEA Dover (AGM)
NB: We rotate the day of the week for our network meetings, in fairness to people’s other after-school commitments. So the December, February, and April dates will be on a day of the week that suits the host librarian, but will not be on a Thursday.
Hands on Literacy Conference – Saturday, November 17
Red Dot Awards & Readers Cup
- September – shortlist announced
- March – Red Dot voting and announcement of subset of books to be used in the Readers Cup
- May – Readers Cup