From Holly Thompson: free guide to her latest verse novel, The Language Inside

Hello Librarians,

I’m happy to announce the Discussion, Writing, Activity and Service Guide for my YA verse novel The Language Inside (Delacorte/Random House 2013). You can download this extensive Guide HERE.  Created for classrooms, book groups, readers and writers, included in the guide are discussion questions, essay topics, poetry prompts, extension activities and service project ideas.  

Here is my blog announcement about the guide, and here is The Language Inside page of my website. Here is a post about Lowell, Monkey Dance and the Southeast Asian Water Festival, here is a post about Julia Tavalaro and Inspiration for The Language Insideand here is a recent  PoetryFriday interview of me about The Language Inside.

I hope you enjoy The Language Inside and this new Guide. 
As always, I am available for school visits.
All the best,
Holly Thompson

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