Here are some of the other awards for nonfiction or informational books for children and young adults.
The UK School Library Association started their Information Book Award in 2011 — for three age categories: under 7s, 7-12 and 12-16. Read the background information here. The 2015 winners were announced in November 2015.
In Canada there is the Norma Fleck Award for Non-fiction, established in 1999 by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. The winner is announced in November each year.Elsie Locke Award for Non-Fiction is one category of the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, founded in 1997 by the Association of New Zealand Booksellers. Winners are announced in August of each year.
The Children’s Book Council of Australia has sponsored the Eve Pownall Award for Information Books since 1988. Winners are announced in August.
The Cybil Awards are online awards run by a large group of bloggers about children’s literature — many from the US, but not exclusively. There’s a Non-fiction award in two categories: Elementary/Middle Grade and Young Adult. The 2015 winners were just announced on Feb. 14th.
Are there any other awards I should add to this list? If so, let me know and I will amend this post.
Thanks for this list, Katie I enjoyed using it to find "readable" new non fiction for our secondary students.