Copyright Issues In Libraries, Education and Open Access. – PD at SMU on 25 January

Pam, Safirna, Mathew (UWCSEA Dover) and  & I attended this session on copyright at SMU. These are some notes that I took at the time. Please feel free to ask one of us for more details.
The speakers were –
Derek discussed changes in in copyright and shared some great resources.
The OEL toolkit is a useful resource for checking how you can use resources
Did you know that all ANU press books are free and open access? They even come with MARC records. He recommended What if we could re-imagine copyright? by Rebecca Giblin
Australian National Database provides free data
We may all be aware that copyright belongs to employers, but did you know that an email thread infringes copyright ? Australia has no fair use policy which is a contributing factor in the average Australian breaking copyright about 80 times a day!
The barriers  to copyright are:
  • legal 
  • technical (drm) 
  • accessiblity (geoblocking)
Paul Ng from Ngee Ann Polytechnic says that all teachers are required to take a course on Copyright for Teachers 
Copyright is Singapore is for the life of the creator plus 70 years. Singapore has a fair use policy. 
Ultimately, whether or not something is fair use should be management decision.
He reminded us that plagiarism is about ethics and copyright is about law.
Paul answered specific questions from the audience. Here are some interesting points to note
  • Students copyright in Singapore belongs to institution
  • You can stream from a YouTube link even if it is pirated – it is YouTubes responsibility to monitor illegal uploads
  • Using a VPN is not illegal but might breach terms of use of the site you are accessing
  • Ted video by YouTube is copyright 
  • Malaysia allows YouTube downloads 
  • Australian students can use Australian content (i.e Clickview exchange / ABC videos)
  • A video of a lesson that includes a YouTube clip shown on the intranet is okay in not for profit institutions
  • If you search in google slides you only get copyright free images
  • Hyperlinks are often sufficient attribution
  • Images on websites should include a link
  • How long do you wait for an email for permission? As long as it takes, but go ahead and use it if the owner is not likely to lose by your use.
  • Adding a date of access to your attribution allows use of Internet wayback
Whether you are profit or not-for-profit makes a huge difference
For profit schools do not benefit from any exceptions 
If you make a decision based on fair-dealing you should inform your management
Record keeping important 
Paul tells his students to use Zotero for attribution- it is just good manners and required in academia.
FYI – Ngee Ann Poly pays $7 per head to CLASS. All institutions required to subscribe

Here is Paul’s copyright flow chart to help you check if you are within the law

Barb Reid

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