Fwd: Invitation to Kids Read

From: Phoebe Kao <pkao@tiseagles.com>

Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Invitation to Kids Read

Greetings from Tianjin! This is Phoebe again from Tianjin International School (Tianjin China). 
As the organizer of the 2011-2012 Kids Read event, I’d like to extend a personal invitation to you and your students. Kids Read is a literature competition focusing on recreational reading. Middle School students in grades 6-8 (or Years 7-9 if following IB curriculum) work in team of 4 to answer 100 questions in 10 different categories. The purpose of Kids Read is to foster students’ love for reading through recreational reading and ultimately turn them into lifelong readers. You can find the practice questions that Nadine Rosevear (International School of Beijing) has generously shared with all of us on http://kidsread-network.wikispaces.com/Question+Bank. She will keep posting new questions on the wiki. Everyone is welcome to share the questions with all of us.
Unlike BoB, Kids Read does not provide students with a list of titles to read from, however, that’s exactly the best part about it. We simply encourage our students to read so they can broaden their horizons. It may seem hard to approach it at first, but since there is really not a way to “prepare” them for the competition, we can just enjoy the fun without the pressure. 
The event of this year is scheduled to take place on March 9, 2012. Tianjin is not far from Beijing, the capital city of China. Tianjin was one of the earliest treaty ports opened to foreign trade and it still keeps traces of foreign concessions. Those architectures add an exotic flavor to today’s Tianjin, 6th largest and fast-growing. If you can make it, I can arrange some sightseeing activities on Saturday if that’s when you are planning on leaving.  You can send in your registration anytime, but in order to facilitate the planning, it will be a tremendous help if you can let me know as soon as you decide to attend. Feel free to email me or Nadine (nrosevear@isb.bj.edu.cn) if you have any question. 
It is my sincere hope to see you at the 2011-2012 Kids Read China Finals in Tianjin. 

Phoebe Kao
Head Librarian
Tianjin International School
Tianjin, China
86-22-8371-0900 ext. 304

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