IASL Conference in Doha, Qatar!

The Qatar International School Librarians will be hosting the 41stAnnual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship incorporating the 16th International Forum on Research in School Librarianship from 11 – 15th November 2012.  Our theme is “The Shifting Sands of School Librarianship” and the major strands are: Internationalism, Innovation and Creativity, Collaboration, and Literacies and Fluencies.   (See our website at iasl2012.org)

We are seeking presentations in the following categories:
Workshop or Presentation for Concurrent Session
· 50 minutes or 1 hour and 50 minutes
· Any presentation style
· Any topic related to one or more of the conference strands and school librarianship
· Application deadline:  April 15, 2012

Presentation of Professional Paper or Previously Published Article or Paper
· Same as above, with the addition of the presentation of a paper that may be included in our conference proceedings.
· Application deadline:  April 15, 2012

Presentation of New Research as Part of the Peer-Reviewed International Research Forum
· Same as above, with the presentation of new, formal research.  All papers will be peer-reviewed by an international committee and will be published in our conference proceedings.
· Application deadline:  March 15, 2012

Trade Presentation
· 50 minutes or 1 hour and 50 minutes
· Commercial presentation of product or service related to school librarianship
· Application deadline:  April 15, 2012

To apply to be a presenter at the conference, fill out the form at: https://docs.google.com/a/asd.edu.qa/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dExRUFB4RlRUdDltaDU3V2p5LW5fT0E6MQ#gid=0

The form can only be submitted online. 

To see a document version of the questions so you can save your answers for your own records, use this link:

For information on the program, please contact Linda Hoiseth.

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