Joint IFLA/IASL Workshop: Advocacy for School Libraries, 24 August, in KL

If you are concerned 
about the future of our children in this information-rich world

If you are concerned 
about developing reading and information literacy among our children

If you believe that
school libraries are important for our children, 

then join us for a workshop on 

Advocacy for School Libraries 

in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 24 August 2013

Jointly organized by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Section on School Libraries and the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL), and hosted by the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Malaya, this workshop seeks to examine ways and means of enhancing advocacy efforts for school libraries.

There is a great need to advocate for school libraries. In the real world, the resources available are finite. Every day, people are pleading their cases before policy makers and resource allocators to give priority to their needs and causes. School libraries need to do so too, or run the risk of being left out when the time comes to make decisions.

This workshop seeks to examine ways and means of further advocating for school libraries.

This conference occurs between the ILFA one in Singapore and the IASL one in Bali.  See our PD page for links to all major conferences in the area.  I hope some of our members will be able to attend.

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